Thai food currently enjoys worldwide popularity, and in all its delicious regional forms is very much the "in" cuisine of the moment.
Traditional Thai cuisine embodies a creative combination of delicate herbs and subtle and distinctive spices, market-fresh ingredients, delicious tastes and exotic visual appeal.
Here in feature some of the most popular Thai dishes the classic "Tom Yum Kung" a uniquely Shrimp hot & sour soup that epitomises a cuisine renowned for it essential simplicity, creativity, artistic flair and delicious tastes.
At Tree Top we offer a variety of favorite dishes from Asia, all prepared with the leanest possible cuts of beef, poultry pork or seafood, delicately balanced with vegetables, herbs and spices. The Chef has minimized the use of oil, salt and uses no MSG, without sacrificing the taste. If you like your dishes prepares a certain way, please indicate that to our staffs.